Channing Tatum Sets Hubby Bar with Pedicure
Photo: Do you really want your husband going at your toes?
Magic Mike heartthrob, Channing Tatum, has likely thrilled countless housewives and disappointed legions of his male fans by helping his wife, Jenna Dewan-Tatum with her DIY pedicure. The story was instantly picked up by international media sources such as this article in The Huffington Post which also featured photos of the hunky dancer/actor using nail polish on his wife's toes. Another photo shows him blowing on her toenails, as if to dry them, apparently unaware that breath is too moist to be used for this purpose. (Try your blow dryer on low.)
While having your hubby exfoliate your lower extremities and delicate digits may sound lovely, it's not for everyone. Many wives express amused doubt that their ham-handed husbands, no matter how well-intentioned, would do a very good job of it. They much prefer the attentive relaxation one gets from a spa pedi. Plus, the pedicurist doesn't "expect something" afterward!
So, good for Channing to get a little press out of his private, intimate moments with his bride. Hopefully he isn't so starved for attention that he is using this gambit to get some publicity. Personally, when I want foot care, I'll see a professional, thank you very much!