Why Spa Time Only Appeals to Women (Mostly)
Reasons that men avoid them
When you stop by Binh's Nails in the Tamarack district of SE Edmonton, you will see solo women, as well as groups of ladies being pampered with pedicures and adorned with fantastic fingernail art. What is rare to see, though, are gentlemen enjoying such activities. There are even fewer fellas on the Binh's premises than you'd find at a scrapbooking workshop or a mammography clinic. Sure, in the media there are the odd celebrity sightings of male Hollywood actors or sports heroes enjoying a bit of salon time, but Edmonton isn't LA and oil workers are neither odd, nor are they usually celebrities. Thus, the average male Albertan is unerringly uninterested in the health and wellness benefits that spa services offer.
W T F - Where's The Fellas?
To understand the gender gap that exists in the aesthetics industry, Binh's Nails management conducted rigorous scientific research to illuminate this puzzling reality. (The research mostly consisted of Grace chatting up the issue with her loyal customers and asking her boyfriend why he's so weird about getting manis and pedis.)
The Research Findings
Here are the top 5 reasons men avoid aesthetic emporiums like Binh's Nails Tamarck:
- Men's arms are longer than women's, so their knuckles drag on the ground. This means a manicure won't last nearly as long for a man, than it does for a woman. It is even unlikely artificial French Tips with ten layers of polish would make it home from the manicurists undamaged if there's much walking involved en route.
- Men know their place in the world order. It is a scientific fact males of the human species are hard-wired to pamper the females in their life and are uncomfortable when they receive pampering. This is why men much prefer paying for their significant other to enjoy a mani or pedi than to endure having it done to themselves. This is also why the phrase, "Happy wife; happy life" is common wisdom, whereas, "Happy husband; happy lusband": doesn't even make sense.
- Men have different life priorities than women. For example, women value beauty, art, culture, contentment, relaxation and peace. Men, on the other hand, only value women. Oh, and sports. And beer. But mostly women. And monster trucks.
- Women obviously care about their appearance more than men do. Really obviously. Just look at men. Disgusting creatures.
- Men don't like spending money on themselves, unlike the fairer gender. Unless it's a power tool or some sort or a toy, like a quad, a video game console, a hunting rifle or a fishing boat. Then it's okay.
The Science is Now Settled
There you have it, folks. Thanks to Grace's scientific study, the world is a much smarter place, and with her stunning manicure designs, it's a more beautiful place, too.
At least if you're a woman!