Internet High on Latest Manicure Style...
It's Whacky (Tobaccy!)
If you rifle through the Binh's Nails Tamarack treasure trove of blog articles, you will notice a number of them focused on fingernail fashion from the far side. For instance, you will find accounts of the werewolf mani, complete with tufts of fur (to make hand washing a challenge, among other tasks), the scorpion mani with a poison-filled stinger embedded right in the design (we're not sure why, either) as well as the chocolate pudding mani (mmmm chocolate!), the KFC mani (it's finger lickin' good!) and even a bus pass mani (we didn't make this up!)
But will it give you the munchies?
Now, however, the latest buzz is all about a half-baked fad which involves using actual marijuana in the nail design. Yes, the trail blazing "weed mani" is a reality and is firing up Instagram with its popularity. Although it may sound like it is simply a novelty, for those in the know, the look is "smokin'!" Even the aesthetics-accentuating magazine, Allure, describes the style in glowing tones, saying "they look so damn cool when they're done". Check out the story here, along with a photo of the style.
Keeping it on the up and up
The fashionistas at Allure did caution, though, that any "happy hay" used in the making of these manicures was a miniscule amount and was the legal, medical variety with design recipients verifying their license to possess the plant. This makes it a joint project between the manicurists and the client. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Coming soon to a province near you?
Will the Mary Jane Manicure come to Alberta? It's not likely, at least not until the legalities have been worked out. Manicurists have only "gone to pot" in those states in America that have legalized it for recreational use.
Binh's Nails Tamarack DOES NOT recommend you bring your stash to our shop! This is one style we're just not that high on!