Is the Martini Manicure Coming to Alberta?
A new trend?
It seems the trend toward mixing liquor and luxury spa salons, which has already begun in the UK and US, may soon be coming to Canada. For a number of years, the British and American aesthetic services community have already enjoyed the legal ability to serve a Merlot with their manis or a Piesporter with their pedicures. It was a choice sadly lacking for many Canuck-based salon clients who are currently forced to wash their salon services down with soda pop.
Soda Pop? The Horror!
Now, however, British Columbia has introduced new alcohol legislation that will allow whole new industries to be able to apply for a liquor license. Whether you own Nellie's Nail Salon, Harold's Hardcover Books, Garfunkle's Art Gallery or other similar kinds of businesses, you may qualify for a serving license to get your customers tipsy.
Will What Happened in BC Stay in BC?
Will Alberta follow suit and implement similar legislation to allow their citizens to have a nice glass of wine while getting a new set of gels? It's hard to say. There hasn't been a lot of customers demanding this option of us at Binh's Nail Tamarack, but if Albertans discover their provincial next-door neighbours have greater freedoms during their spa sessions, who knows?
What do you think?
If you believe it is high time for our province to allow aesthetics salons, book stores and art galleries to serve liquor, let us know on social media! If enough people want it, it might just happen here too!